Breathtakingly otherworldly scenery
It’s been called one of the most alien places on earth — a “gateway to hell” and, in the words of British explorer Wilfred Thesiger, a veritable “land of death.”

It is a geological enthrallment formed by the divergent of three tectonic plates of continents in the horn of Africa. Jointly owned with Eretria and Djibouti, the predominant part of the Afar Triangle resides in Ethiopia. The continuous drifting apart process, which enforced repeated engulfing of a low lying land by the Red Sea, eventually commenced the present day spellbinding Danakil Desert as part of the Great Rift Valley of East Africa.
The Ethiopian Danakil Depression is situated at the north-eastern part of the country, within the Afar region. Its temperature which often rises up to 50° C and its northern extremes which reaches -116 meter below sea level makes it to earn startling entitlements – one of the hottest and one of the lowest places on the planet.

Danakil Desert is tectonically active and mysteriously enchanting. It supports plenty of dormant and active volcanoes, thrilling semi-permanent and oldest lava lake, expansive salt flats, snowy saline lake, colorful sulfur springs, various hot springs and many more.
This harsh environment is inhabited by the strong and proud people of Afar. The Afar region is a traditional seat of Sultans and its people are traditionally nomadic pastoralists, merchants and exotically beautified with their own unique language and culture.
The Danakil Desert is indeed a place where it sometime stands still, as the ancient caravan route is being traveled until present day by the salt traders of the Afar people – who traditionally and resourcefully mine the salt flats for centuries and being a source of salt for Ethiopia.
Danakil Desert is a hallowed ground where the oldest direct human ancestor fossilized relic unearthedat a place called Hadar in 1974. Lucy (Dinknesh) merit Ethiopia a memorable privilege – the cradle of humanity.
It is a region which tickles the fantasy of anthropologists, archeologists and astro-biologists. In spite of being a challenging travel destination, the Danakil Desert remains one of the most popular destinations in Ethiopia.
Getting there

Semera is the main getaways of Danakil Desert excursion.
Semera is the capital to Region State of Afar. It is where the Afar National Regional State’s Bureau of Culture and Tourism, which gives the mandatory permit to visit the Danakil Desert (Afar remote areas) is located.
Semera is an Afar town swiftly emerging and becoming a refreshing option as the starting or ending base with increasing accommodations and other amenities.
Semera can be reached easily from Addis Ababa by air – Ethiopian Airlines flies to Semera.
Semera also connects with Addis Ababa on an asphalt road, visitors has choices to use several coach services that runs daily either directions, standard buses or private car.
Visiting Danakil Desert requires obtaining permit, tour guide, local guide, armed escort and local 4×4 cars. Thus, it is advisable for visitors to organize Danakil Desert expedition via experienced tour companies.
Foods and drinks
Since departing to Danakil is a remote desert expedition, travelers through their tour operators should pack all necessary supplies and equipment.
When to Visit
Danakil Desert is a low lying and scorched volcanic landscape. It is sweltering hot and inflamed by a fire wind. The best time to visit is from December to February, when the temperature is bearable in comparison with the warmest time of year from May to August – when temperature can soar up to 50° C.